
postage stamp quilt

I finally started sewing a bit of my postage stamp quilt. Before you see the picture (google it if you want more examples), let me tell you that the squares are cut 1 1/2 inches, so a finished square is 1". Tiny! And I am hand sewing this. I think that will make my sewing more accurate. At least, I hope it will! You can see the measurements on the 6 inch square in the pictures. Yes, those are inches...

This quilt is going to take forever. This is only the first block and I did it while my husband played a video game/watched TV. I don't think I have enough squares cut yet, either, but I save up all my tiny scraps. If you are a quilter/sewer and have small scraps to share, I would love to have them!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never attempted a postage stamp myself, but I think about it from time to time! What kind of fabrics (I'll already assume quilting cottons) are you seeking... anything goes? I could definitely gather up some of my scrap pieces for you. If you're interested, send along your address to saracatgirl at yahoo dot com.
